107 | A Second Chance - Rana Campbell


When Rana found out she was pregnant with her son, there was a sense of apprehension and excitement. After her miscarriage in 2016 and navigating her feelings of loss, she had been scared to try again. Yet even with that, she knew she wanted a birth team she could trust and feel safe with, allowing this pregnancy to be filled with joy.

With labor beginning at 40 weeks and two days, Rana worked through the early stages in the company of her community. She would struggle with her anxiety of if she was making progress. Her midwife encouraged her to reach out to her doula to help keep her mind at ease and provide support. After a day or and a half of on and off labor, they decided to head into the hospital.

Her birth plans would shift a bit as she would need to support her labor with Pitocin, but Rana expressed that even in the most intense parts, she knew she would need to succumb to the experience. Hitting transition - she felt uplifted by the ancestors and focused on bringing her son earthside. As she began pushing, Rana was exhausted but even more determined, and after 20 minutes of pushing, her son was born. As he was placed on her chest, she felt happy and an immense amount of pride in herself.


Dreams & Drive Podcast | a community for creatives , providing motivation, encouragement, and actionable tips for success

Sister to Sister Community Doulas | offers free community doula support for pregnant people who are residents of Newark, East Orange, and Irvington, NJ, from pregnancy up to 6 months postpartum