08 | Primal Birth: Birth as Physiology - Amy Lee

*Episode Contains Explicit Language/Content*

All five of Amy's children were born unassisted in her home. A deliberate decision made by her and her partner as they wanted to ensure the sacred moment of the birth of their children was led and governed by their decisions. For those unfamiliar with unassisted birth, families who choose to create this birth space usually birth without the support of doctors or midwives. Through her births, Amy was able to find healing from past trauma and now guides other families who want to have the same experience.  


In her story submission, Amy revealed that the unique perspective her stories offered to the Birth Stories in Color community was that "I feel that the absolute command of my birthing choices could bring much hope in other mamas and I hope to spark their memory of the warrior goddesses that are within them." We couldn't agree more with this sentiment. This episode is raw, funny, and informative! 



ROOTT | Today's episode is in partnership with Restoring Our Own Through Transformation (ROOTT) black women led reproductive justice organization dedicated to collectively restoring our well-being through self-determination, collaboration, and resources to meet the needs of women and families within communities. 

As a kindred partner of the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, ROOTT will host several events during the inaugural Black Maternal Health Week, April 11th -17th. These events are part of a coordinated, national effort to raise awareness and increase advocacy for Black Mamas, their children, and families of color. In Franklin County, Ohio alone, Black infant mortality rates are three times higher than white infants (15 per 1000 and 4.9 per 1000, respectively), with a largely unreported Maternal Mortality and Morbidity rate. ROOTT seeks to address the issue of these devastating health disparities informed by our collective voices in experience and evidence through Full Spectrum Doula services, provider training, advocacy, community engagement, and events. 


The Business of Being Born | documentary
Unassisted Childbirth - Laura Shanley